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Free adult Bible video curriculum designed for the Church of Christ. Our 30 to 40 minute sermons and bible classes allow churches access to Biblically sound teaching for free. We also have short video devos that are great for small groups and discussion classes.

How to Use in Your Congregation:
Simply conduct worship or a Bible class the same way you normally do, but when it comes time for the lesson, select an item that best represents the needs of your congregation and hit play.

About the Teacher:
Mike began his preaching and teaching ministry in Montreal, Quebec, in 1979. He was educated at Oklahoma Christian University in the United States and served as Dean of Students for that institution from 1991 to 1993. Brother Mazzalongo has preached for several congregations in Canada and the United States. In his career, he has specialized in the use of various media in the work of the local church. These have included radio, television, and more recently the internet. He is the founder of the Bible Teaching platform BibleTalk.tv which is visited by more than 50,000 users a month who download thousands of videos, eBooks and audio lessons. Currently, the BibleTalk.tv YouTube channel has over 3,000,000 subscribers with over 30 million total views.

Mike is married to Lise and together they have four children and twelve grandchildren. He attends the Choctaw Church of Christ, a congregation located in the Oklahoma City metro area.